OK, so I read last year about a new study that had shown that Omega 3s plus uridine were more effective than antidepressants, but it seemed that uiridine was not available as a supplement. This week, eDiets.com had an article about it, so I did another search. I still couldn't find it. But after surfing a while, I found references to Oratic Acid, which is part of the pathway to make uridine, and then Calcium Oratate as a source of Oratic Acid...
http://www.delano.com/ReferenceArticles/Orotates-how-work-Sharpe.htmlAnyway, I was interested in it for it's mood enhancing properties, and then on the same site, I found this article, anecdotally describing it's effect on weight loss:
http://www.delano.com/ReferenceArticles/Orotates-Wt-Loss-Sharpe.htmlI couldn't find it anywhere locally, but ordered it online. Of course, I know there are no magic pills, but if it keeps me off antidepressants, and as a side effect helps me control my appetite, I certainly won't mind! I will continue eating well, and begin exercising now that my cold is almost gone, but any little advantage wouldn't be a bad thing.
I just thought I would share this info, in case anyone else might be interested.