Since most of you are already familiar with my other threads and the problems I've been having, I can pretty much skip any backstory. My current status is that, while my shins and most of my left foot healed up beautifully, the original wound site on my left second toe, caused by friction due to shoes, is taking bloody well forever to heal up. Every week when my home nurse comes to put the Unna boot on my left foot and leg she can see that I'm making progress, but there is no way that this will be at 100% by the time I will have to either go back to work or sit at home without even the income from short-term disability. Honestly, I'm not even too worried about the toe thing because I think ultimately it will go away. The inability to wear normal shoes is much more of a problem because I almost never spend any time at all on my feet. My spine simply can't handle the atrophy of the muscles coupled with the weight I ganed in the second half of 2006, and while I try and force the issue and move around when I can, it's not getting much easier.
I also have a bigger, related problem which I don't think anything can be done to rectify other than weight loss. I have been having problems with hip pain that come and go as they please, but just yesterday for example I sat here at the computer table for a couple of hours, forgetting to use the pillow I normally have to help elevate myself. By the time I was ready to stand up, the slightest movement of either foot across the floor, shift of my posture, or anything else just made it feel like someone was digging in the balls of both hips with an Exacto knife. Once I'm finally able to stand up when this is happening, I have to go through a ritual of bringing one leg at a time up behind me while I lean against the table, massaging the joints, and all this other crap before I can get moving. Yesterday was so bad I just took a couple of generic Aleve along with my other meds and went back and slept pretty much all day. I had to reschedule my home nurse appointment for today because I wasn't prepared to try and take a shower (which I can only do when we take my Unna boot off until a new one is applied), and I wasn't going to have the nurse over if I wasn't clean. She'll be here today, and fortunately -- at least so far -- there is no problem with my hips.
So this is what I've been going through since I stopped posting here yet again. I know it's probably the worst of all possible strategies to retreat into a shell when things get tough, but I'm not going to come here and whine about exactly the same shit day after day after day. It doesn't improve anything, and this board doesn't need the influx of negativity. As far as my eating habits go, they are on a see-saw. I can go several days eating good stuff, like bagged salad, and keeping my portion sizes almost reasonable, but then one day I'll just feel like fuckall and end up ordering half the menu from somewhere or having either Jeanette or my friend Joe get it for me. I don't think I'm gaining any weight, but I know for a fact I'm not losing any and it is imperative that I start regaining at least a minimum of stamina and strength, just to be able to make it from one end of my work building to the other if nothing else.
I'm feel really bad for those of you who try and keep tabs on me, for not posting more often. But when I get like this I have a tendency to internalize a lot of stuff. Maybe it's because my mother made it a priority to constantly complain about me about the pettiest shit every day from when I was barely in grade school until her death in 2003, at least when I was in contact with her. It drove me up a freaking wall and I make it a point not to turn around and emulate her behavior with others. That make any sense? It's just a theory and for all I know it's completely wrong at the very core.
Anyhow, as always I hope all of you are feeling okay and doing well in your endeavors. And I will do my best to check back at least a little more, no matter what.
Kirk (aka Gentle Giant)