(excuse any repetition. I am c&p this from a weight loss board I posted it at, and didn't stop to edit out any details I already posted above)
OK, so I started trying to lose weight "on my own" January 5th, and started keeping weight and measurement stats. On Feb 26th, I started at a clinic that does hCG and AMP shots with Vitamin B.
Prior to that, from Jan 5 through Feb 26th (52 days), I'd lost about 10 pounds. From Jan 26 through today (50 days), I have lost another 24 pounds, for a grand total of 34!:-D. I have also lost a total of 45.7 inches off of the 12 measurement sites, my BMI has gone down 5.2 points, and my waist to hip ratio has gone down from "very high risk" to "moderate risk." I have 3.5 more weeks until my vacation, and I would love to lose another 10 lbs by then!
Now, I have said before that I was undecided about how much the shots have to do with the weight loss, and said I would hold my judgement for later. I have also been checking the scientific studies on Medline. I had not found any really positive study about hCG for weight loss, but found several that were inconclusive, and several that said there was no difference compared to the placebo. On the other hand, I have been seeing now info about herbs that increase the amount of AMP in your system resulting inhigher energy levels and weight loss, so it seems plausible to me that the AMP shots could be effective. So, I went for my checkup last week, and asked the doc. She said that she feels that the hCG is not necessarily effective at causing pounds to be lost, but that it effects *where* you burn fat from, and tends to result in inches lost in key places like waist, abdomen, and hips. She also said that for people who cannot take hCG and who take AMP every week, she eventually sees a slowing of the weight loss and stalling, whereas with the hCG and AMP alternated, the progress continues longer.
Now, I am still undecided about what effects the shots have and what effects the phentermine has, but I will say this much: Being on this plan has enabled me to lose 2.4 times as much weight in the same amount of time as I was able to do on my own. In my opinion, it has more to do with the vitamins giving me extra energy, the phentermine chelping with metabolism and appetite, and then third some effect from the AMP/hCG. I probabbly work out more now than before because I don't feel like a slug anymore, not just because i am more motivated.
So, while I won't conclude that hCG is a wonder drug, I absolutely feel that the program I have been on has been extremely successful for me overall, and I woud recommend it.