I finally did it. DH & I walked 2 miles this morning & we're going to walk 2 miles this evening. Went to the Farmers Market & loaded up on veggies & fruits. We also bought wraps for sandwiches.
Both of us have porked up nicely in the last 6 months & just can't seem to get motivated together. One is ready, the other isn't. Today, we finally seemed to come together.
Motivation & a goal to shoot for is my only hope. I can't get into anything but sweats & one pair of shorts but I have to choose between sitting or breathing.
Also, I have to exercise. Dieting alone just doesn't cut it anymore. I think all those starvation diets I went on when I was younger just screwed up my metabolism. Now when I cut back on calories, my metabolism just slows to a crawl. But if I exercise I can eat the same amount & still lose weight. Plus, muscle is heavier than fat, but takes up less space, so I look thinner even if I weight the same.
Wish me luck that DH & I can get & stay on the same page.