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Diabetes and "fad" diets? Help!!!

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54anickel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-14-07 09:57 AM
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Diabetes and "fad" diets? Help!!!
Hubby was just told he has diabetes (fasting glucose greater than/equal to 126). He was at 136. I'm not real keen on his doctor - has the personality of a fish. Anyway this doctor told him to loose weight, then proceeded to tell us how he's lost 30 lbs over the summer by walking and only eating meat, veggies and fruit - no starches like spuds and pasta, no cereal except oatmeal, no sugars, no alcohol, no butter or margarine, no added oil, etc. I asked about nuts or yams or whole grains (sources of fiber and "good carbs" and he said no. Granted he's a Dr and not a dietician, but I thought diabetics were supposed to tread carefully with "fad" and low-carb diets. He offered no other advice, no glucose monitor, just to come back in 6 weeks for another blood test. I asked about a more "balanced" approach and all he said was it would take much longer.

So, I'm totally confused. Before this diagnosis of diabetes, we were exploring a couple of different diets (YOU on a diet) South Beach (which we had done when it first came out with some success). I've been doing the YOU thingie for a couple of months - only lost around 5 pounds but have lost quite a few inches and I'm feeling so much better. I put hubby on it just after his 1st Dr visit when they pulled the lab work, and that was 3 or 4 weeks before we got these results. He did loose 2 lbs between those visits.

His sister is pushing South Beach, the Dr. is talking "sort of" South Beach, hubby was just getting comfortable with the YOU thing (not really a "diet"). The YOU thing falls between Phase 2 of South Beach and the "diabetic diets" I've found so far, but seems the ADA really pushes the FDA's food pyramid (a bone of contention with many).

I want to get a home glucose monitor before we change much of anything. I'm worried about the sudden drops he may experience at work during Phase 1 of South Beach.

Anyone do South Beach without Phase 1? Any diabetics that have done Phase 1? Anyone have any problems with Phase 1? Am I just worrying too much here? Any opinions/feedback on SB for diabetics would be greatly appreciated!
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Droopy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-14-07 11:15 AM
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1. My step-father had the same thing happen to him
He was diagnosed with pre-diabetes last spring and the doctor told him things were going to have to change as far as his diet went. He took a couple of diet classes at the local hospital and they basically told him to just limit carbs to no more that 70 per meal and also to eat 3 small meals a day as well as 2 healthy snacks a day. So he bought a carb counter book and embarked on a new way of eating. He has lost 40 pounds since last spring and he doesn't get much exercise. He also checks his blood glucose a couple of times a day.

It sounds as if your husband has pre-diabetes as well and should be monitoring his blood sugar. I suggest going to a different doctor and getting a second opinion as well as a glucose monitor.
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54anickel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-14-07 12:37 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Thanks Droopy. I'm not real happy with this doc or his attitude. But it seems
there is some rule that a fasting blood glucose over 126 is type 2 diabetes - end of discussion, no need for further testing. I'm wondering if this hard and fast rule doesn't have to do with some statistical analysis by the drug companies/FDA. :shrug:

I'm hoping it is pre-diabetes, but the literature he gave us claims that is wishful thinking and there's no going back. Then again, it is created by a Pharmceutical company....

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Systematic Chaos Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Sep-14-07 08:05 PM
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3. I don't like the sound of your doctor AT ALL.
I'm going to post a link to a website here, and all I'm going to say is this: When I follow this man's advice to the letter, or as closely as I'm able to given my income and circumstances, I feel good and my weight drops at least slowly. There is also a definite effect on my blood sugar for the better, and at this time in my life it's either get that under control or lose a leg or two. If I get a good amount of physical activity the weight drops even faster. I'm overweight because I punish myself with food, habitually make horrible choices, and get extremely overindulgent when I'm depressed - NOT because this guy is wrong so far as I can tell. And once more, for emphasis, if you are not comfortable switching to a completely meat-and dairy-free lifestyle these guidelines are not all-or-nothing. The idea is just to get as close as possible and you will notice a difference in how you feel.

Read through the info and make your own informed decision; it really is a treasure trove of information, refutations of the positions of those who stand to make scads of money from ill people, and helpful ideas.
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54anickel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-19-07 02:46 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. Thanks Gentle Giant...
I doubt hubby would be willing to completely give up meat and dairy (he's an old farm boy) but this doctor had him scared of complex, high fiber, healthy carbs that I just got him to start eating regularly. I think he's slowly getting over all of that initial "shock" now. We finally got a glucose monitor and we'll start testing tonight. He is set for "training" on using it tomorrow night. I got one for free from the Dr after I requested a script for one...go figure, you'd think he'd have offered one that day when he labeled hubby diabetic. :eyes:

We were going to check it this AM but he was running late for work. He had his screening colonoscopy yesterday so last night was the first "normal" meal since Sunday night...needless to say, he ate a bit too much too fast of all the wrong foods. At least he doesn't need to go thru one of those for another 10 years!

His employer is sponsoring a health clinic next month so we'll get a sneak peek at his blood work too.

We'll try to get things under control on our own with diet and exercise, meanwhile we'll keep an eye out for another Dr as well.
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54anickel Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-24-07 02:42 PM
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5. Had a follow-up with the doc and he's changed his tune quite a bit.
Showed him the glucose logs from the past 6 weeks and his new blood work came in at 107 so he's changing the diagnosis to "Glucose Intolerance". He was nicer this time around, then again hubby has lost 20 lbs and all his blood work has shown remarkable improvement - everything near optimal except he could use a boost in the HDL arena. Once I got over the panic attack of hearing "diabetes" we continued doing what we were doing. I believe his getting a C-PAP for sleep apnea helped quite a bit as well. Diet, exercise and proper sleep seem to be doing wonders for him so far.

I still don't like this just pisses me off when they are so damned rude to a person who comes in overweight. He was pleasant this time around but rather full of himself, made some comment about how it's nice to have a patient do what he's told them to do. :eyes:
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