Losing weight is hard. Very hard. That much is a given. But if you are working out and trying to watch what you eat then that's more than half the battle and it will pay off.
As for your caloric intake, I fully agree that 2,000 per day is too much, unless you are working out moderately to vigorously for a minimum of 2 hours per day. I'm not doing that yet because there's no way I could handle it. Half an hour per day, four or five days a week, is an excellent starting point for a person who is just getting started. 900 calories, on the other hand, is not enough. Consuming that few calories will slow your metabolism way down and thwart your efforts. Unless a doctor suggests otherwise, staying in a range of 1,200 to 1,500 calories per day should be just right for you, and you can feel wonderfully satisfied off that many if you use the right foods.
What kinds of things are you eating now, as opposed to before? And when you're going to Curves, how long are you there and what sorts of things do you do, if you don't mind my asking? Overall, it sounds like you have the right idea and I think it will pay off for you as long as you don't get discouraged. Remember also that if you're just starting to exercise more you may find that pounds won't come off much at first, but inches will. :)