I have now been back from my 3rd cellulitis hospitalization for a week. This time, I got to see two places in one visit. The first was the hospital my wound care team contracts through (love the wound care doctors, HATE their hospital!!), followed by another stay at a long-term care facility for more of those lovely IV antibiotics and whatnot.
How about I divide this post into two sections. I'll do all my bitching, pissing, moaning and gut spilling in the first half; then I'll talk about the positives and my future plans in the second half.
Part One: GG Bitches, Pisses, Moans and Spills His Guts (In hi-def where available)
I can't remember how much of this backstory I've already gone over in previous posts, and right now I'm feeling way too lazy to go back and read them all. I guess this will make a nice recap of some things then, but there's plenty of new stuff too.
I do know that I've discussed my hospitalization back in March of this year, and how while I was there I underwent a lot of physical therapy and regained a pretty decent amount of stamina for someone my size. What I know I didn't have the courage to admit up to this point is just how bad my weight had gotten. I'm still embarrassed as hell about it, because being in the low 400s throughout 2005 and into 2006 was bad enough. But, when you're barely able to move around, naturally tend to eat more (and mind you, not even huge puking binges - just more than normal, and enough random grazing throughout the day to hit maybe 3000 - 4000 calories and not even realize it), and have no scale to show you just how bad things are getting, it's pretty amazing just how out of hand stuff gets.
Here goes: Last December, at my paratransit intake assessment, one of the steps is to weigh prospective riders. I step on this big ol' scale which is designed for people in wheelchairs, real big boxes, etc... and lo and behold! I get this beautiful reading of 519. How someone gains about 80 more pounds and doesn't even realize/want to admit/see/observe/grok it is now one of my new personal mysteries, but there it is. I immediately started taking steps to rectify that situation somehow, some way, even though between my all-over weakness and constant pain I could barely bring myself to move. I also forced myself to eat less... most of the time.
By the time I was admitted in March I had managed to drop to 510, and dropped further to 495 during my 18-day stay there. Right after getting out I'm sure I dropped even more, at first, because I was once again able to go with my wife to Trader Joe's and stay on my feet for nearly an hour without needing rest. I ate really healthy at least 90% of the time and stayed active. Despite all of this I still managed to have my left foot literally erupt in blisters from my toes to my ankle, and still had my cellulitis come back. Only this time it was staph instead of strep that came to call. Hey, variety is the spice of life and all that, right? :eyes:
My wound care and foot doctors came to an easy consensus that my main problems are comprised of that famous trio; Edema, Lymphedema and the Happy Shining Venous Insufficiency, who just happen to be out and about on their 48,000th Anniversary Tour. Go check 'em out while tickets are still available! What this means in a nutshell is that my legs - and especially the left one with the three busted vein valves - have a natural tendency to attract any fluids in a 742.889425 furlong radius, give or take a couple nano-pinhead radii. Who knows? Some of that old motor oil from your last visit to the repair shop back in 1982 just might be hanging out in my leg! And then all these fluids just kinda oooooooooooze this-a-way and that-a-way. And when they're done oooooooooooze-ing they say, "Oooh look, Harriet! There's a whole world of adventure waiting beyond this here fat dude's leg! Let's make tracks, babe!", whereupon they seek any and every avenue of escape. And that, kids, is where all the fun blisters and ulcers come from! Oh, that old Ulcer Stork (tm)? He's just a fairy tale, silly!
Lastly, I should throw in as an aside that my left rotator cuff is starting to go completely out on me, and I'm steadily losing strength and range of motion in my left arm. Just casually reaching over to grab a napkin the wrong way can send a spike of pain down my arm (or once, I swear to God, up my neck and face and into the left side of my head) which renders me totally useless for the next five minutes. The only possible cause for this that I can think of would be repetitive motion stress from dealing cards out of a blackjack shoe at lightning speed for ten years. I haven't done anything else, that I know of anyway, which could have caused this. The rub is that while x-rays prove inconclusive an MRI would almost certainly spot wherever the tear or other problem lies so if nothing else at least I'd have a diagnosis to show when I go to apply for disability. But not so fast! There is only one MRI machine in the whole of Vegas that they could find which I could fit into, but they're booked solid for months!
So whaddya say we move on to Part Two? Still with me? Not experiencing any thoughts of suicide by Yoko Ono marathon? Sweet!
Part Two: GG is Going to Find a Fucking Bright Spot No Matter What. So There!!
In spite of all this other crap, some good stuff really has been happening. For example, my insurance company went ahead and shipped me my own hi-capacity scale to be able to weigh myself on. It goes to 550 and I don't ever expect to need more than that. Also, while I was in the hospital my wife and roommate coordinated our move from the studio apartment we were in, to a pretty nice two bedroom unit. Jeanette and I finally have back the privacy we've missed for most of the last two years and that in and of itself is a huge relief to me.
Lucky me, I'm finally going to be starting lymphedema treatments next Monday! For now it will only be on the right leg, but once the left one heals up fully they can begin using the machines on that leg too.
Our roommate got his disability and Social Security benefits and was entitled to nearly two whole years of back pay. His way of paying us back for all the time he lived with us for free has been to help with moving costs, buy both of us some much-needed clothing and other items, and most awesome of all Jeanette and I now each have our own computer for the first time since we first met. I'm happily typing this up on a brand new iMac running Windows XP in Boot Camp. There's nothing this baby can't do and do well from what I've seen thus far.
Another awesome thing that happened while I was in the hospital is that my foot doctor called in a favor and had a gentleman from a diabetic shoe company bring in several really large pairs of shoes for me to try. For the first time in over a year I have something other than a walking shoe on my right foot and a flimsy little surgical foot thingy on my left foot to wear. I think these shoes (size 15 extra-wide, by the way!) will be very helpful for my feet, and I will be contacting these guys again with the money for a new pair when the ones I have now finally give out.
Lastly, I've been thinking a lot about this pattern I have to really get gung-ho about stuff, only to get easily discouraged and lose my motivation and focus. Since I've been here posting in this group I've had a lot of false starts and been through some colossal ups and downs. This leads me to wonder: Just how many other people out there are in this same boat I am? Just how many other people out there are very overweight but can't conquer the problem because of limitations, be they physical, emotional, or most importantly in my mind, derived from lack of funds or insurance or maybe just insurance which will only meet somebody halfway? My insurance has now had to pay for a total of 63 hospital days and several weeks of home health visits since 2006. I think about that and have to wonder just how much cheaper it may have been - and how much better off I'd be now - had they not just opted to let me have lapband surgery instead?
I have every reason to be alive, vital and happy. I have a partner in life of a caliber which a great percentage of people out there may never encounter in their lifetimes. I have an IQ which consistently tests between 136 and 141 and I absorb - not fluids this time, but knowledge - like a sponge gone haywire. I'm nothing like the guy back in 2002, who just before taking that one final shot at online dating thought that his only purpose in life was to make sure his compulsive gambling mother wouldn't end up back out in the streets because feeding slot machines was more important than paying Section 8 rent. That person couldn't fucking wait to die in his sleep. Not this person.
But, let's face it. In the past few years I have come charging like the proverbial bull in the china shop, guns a-blazing, ready to take on the world, yadda yadda fuckin' yadda. I started a blog at one point. I've thought about doing other things as well in all areas of life. And then either something happens to distract me, or the next health issue comes along, or I get down. And then Gentle Giant faw down go boom.
All I would like at this point is for everything I'm going through to somehow be a beneficial lesson for others. I don't care how or in what capacity exactly, or whether or not I even find out about it or am compensated for it. But I think of my own situation, and imagine just the tip of the iceberg of how many others out there are stuck in this same pattern and can't get out for whatever reason and it drives me completely fucking bugshit! I'm a very intelligent, viable person who just needs to get this weight off and then voila!, my whole world would change. How many tens of thousands (hundreds of thousands? MILLIONS??) of us out there, in this country are stymied either by themselves, or this piece of putrid shit "healthcare system"? Or a combination of the two?
Now, I know there is this whole Fat Acceptance thing going on out there, and that's all well and good. We need to be accepted. We need to be loved. But some (the vast majority?) of us want to not be fat at all. That would describe me, but beyond that I would also like to help inspire others in a truly proactive way. I've watched every season of The Biggest Loser, and at one time had aspirations of getting on the show not just for the shot at some decent money, but to be an inspiration to others. Frankly, there is no way that could happen right now because of these underlying issues I have. There would be no way for me to safely complete the challenges that they do on the show, but that certainly doesn't mean I can't exercise at all. I've also been watching Big Medicine on TLC whenever I get a chance. It's a rather fascinating show with people on it that I can relate to. I visited the website for the show. I think it's great what that father and son doctor team can accomplish... for those with the bling. But, when I watch the little online interviews and listen to the older of the two doctors explain how, paraphrasing, "some of our patients have to decide whether they want to go out and buy that new car or have surgery to lose the weight...", I just have to take a step back and go :wtf:? How many 500-pounders out there have any car at all? How many 500-pounders can just pony up for this massively expensive procedure out-of-pocket if they're uninsured, or their insurance is too retarded to do the most logical thing? Maybe it's just me, but it really saddens me to see just how out of touch and elitist our medical system is.
So that leaves me with these burning questions: How can I succeed at what I need to do in spite of odds which seem longer by the month, and still be able to help others in the process? How many others out there need to see the face of another who is in the same boat they're in, remind them that they are not alone and that it's not always as hopeless as it seems? This led me to that cat-abuse-video-good-intellectual-property-infringement-BAAAAD website I love to hate: YouTube. I did a search for "obese" and was immediately greeted with countless videos of some terribly overweight young girl doing a happy dance. I also got to see clips from various shows on Discovery Health and TLC which I've already watched. Oh, and then there was the guy who proved using the BMI index that Mike Tyson, in his prime, was obese. Yeah, sure! Maybe I didn't search long enough or explore enough hits, but damned if I didn't see a single obese person there willing to talk about their lives and their daily struggle to get the weight off and stay at least kinda emotionally intact.
I know what I am right now. If I could cash in my frustration and outrage at the bank I could singlehandedly pay off the National Debt and buy everyone in the country a brand new William Hung Greatest Hits CD! But alas, that is not to be. :cry:
I also know what I'm not. I'm no longer ashamed or afraid of who or what I am. Or my body. Or even my future. At least not now. And I would really like to find a way to continue feeling this way tomorrow, next week, next month, and in 2060 should I be blessed with that long a life. And, for whatever it's worth, I would like to brave the insults and bullshit from the knuckledraggers and mouthbreathers - you know, REPUKES!! - and just say what I feel needs to be said, and invite anyone else out there to do the same without their own fear and shame getting in the way.
If ever I can locate my cojones, I think I'd like to start a video journal which people can respond to, in the hopes that maybe it will lead to a focused movement for change and more adequate treatment for those of us who are otherwise going without. Way too many lives are being lost, and immeasurable potential wasted on the numbers of us out there who pass a point beyond which return is epically difficult. There just isn't any reason for it, just as there was no reason for thousands to die during Katrina, or for countless of thousands of children in this country to go without food or shelter. All of these injustices sicken me and make me so damned mad, and while I can't change them all, I think someone has to step up for people out there like myself - and maybe some of you out there who are reading this right now.
I'm not making any promises about what will come from this germ of an idea in my head, but I really felt the need to discuss it openly here. I figured that since an update was so long overdue anyway, this would be the time. I look forward to hearing from anyone and everyone from the WL/M group here. Check in and let us all know how you're doing!