Some of you might know that I had my all-blowed-up appendix out last week. I am heaing, thanks for asking. The trouble is that since it is quite painful, still, for me to get around, and because of the 400 gallons of saline I had pumped into me and because of the meds, and because I still have a largely open abdominal wound, and because any time they crack the abdomen, there is issues with mobility and because I live on a third floor walkup, I am getting swelling in my feet and lower legs. I do get out for short walks when I can, when the weather allows and my stamina(which has never been a problem before) holds up. All part of the healing process I guess, and I was warned, by both professionals and by people who have been through surgery before me.
Are there some nutritional tricks I can ise to help flush myself out? I know exercise is #1 in this and I shall get it when I can, but I would like to do what I can do right now.
Note: I eat very little salt, very little, very few processed and pre-made foods. I avoid high-fructose corn syrup products like the plague, get plenty of water and unsweetened fruit juices. I eat little sugar. All in all, my diet is generally simple and healthy. I know coffee is a good diuretic, but right now, it is a bit rough on me. I had a cup of it this AM, but after that, I think I will wait a while. Which kills me, because I do love a good, strong cuppa joe.