some encouraging stories about ppl who've lost weight and had all their numbers fall into the normal range.
Some background: I've nearly always been 10-15 lbs overweight, but for the past 15 years I've been 50-60 lbs overweight. At first, the only number out of whack was the cholesterol -- hi total, low good, hi bad. But not so bad the doc wanted me on meds. Fasting sugar has always been in the 85-95 range, perfectly normal -- until last time. It was 118. And all the other numbers are worse, too. In other words, the dreaded
I'm female, 57 yrs old, 5'6", and weigh 187. I should weigh, at the most, 154, and I think 144 would be better.
I would like to hear from any of you who have had similar high numbers and, through weight loss, made those numbers go back to normal. I'm quite well-educated on nutrition, but am one of those unfortunate folks for whom food is a great comfort and pleasure. If I am to lose 40-50 lbs., I'd sure like to hear some personal testimonies (WITH BLOODWORK NUMBERS, IF POSSIBLE) to the effectiveness of normal weight in producing decent bloodwork numbers.
I need encouragement!