I'm really sorry I didn't get back to you on this sooner, but before I start a new thread sometime in the next few days I thought I'd at least stop in to let you know that, for the first time in wa-a-a-a-ay too long, some good things have been happening with us. First and foremost my disability has been approved, and while the monthly amounts barely top the equivalent of a minimum wage job, the stress which has been lifted off our shoulders has caused a night-and-day change in our collective outlook. We can cover the basics now, as well as some of these dreaded co-pays, and still have money left over to live just a little here and there and treat ourselves to some fun things that we enjoy like our EverQuest 2 subscriptions and Netflix.
Additionally, I'm now with a new wound care team (mainly because, as I have said before here, while my old doctors were mostly great the hospital they were associated with is one of the shittiest in town and I made up my mind I'd die before I went back), and the new wound doctor was far less pessimistic about the condition of my left foot than my primary doctor was. I still have some awfully ugly toes and all, yes, but immediately under the bad tissue is the sort of shade of red we need to see. It's just a matter of getting the weight loss ball rolling again and decreasing the overall stress on my system, and then I still have an excellent chance of healing up on my own.
I'm still hovering just a pinch above my low from late last year of 480; I was right around 482-483 a couple days ago. My 40th birthday, which I was kind of dreading - midlife crisis and all which never really took root since honestly, I have a lot more reasons to be happy now than I ever did at 30 or even 20 - has come and gone and I'm still the same old fun guy with the crazy sense of humor. My shoulder pain continues to be a very serious and debilitating problem, but I'm doing all I can to try and "dig deep" and not let it get the better of me. Otherwise, I'm doing everything I can to keep my spirits up and have faith in myself and my ability to overcome.