is the key to weight loss. I also don't give much credence to world bodies that make pronouncements about what causes obesity, since they got us in this mess to begin with (see Ancel Keys video above).
The difference between the 1970s and now is the quality of food and the increase of sugar and carbohydrate consumption, in addition to HFCS. The examples noted in your article: Fizzy drinks (sugar), french fries (high carb/glycemic) and a Big Mac (poor quality beef, white bread, fried in polyunsaturated oils) are examples of an insulin high ball. All those low fat/low cal foods that became the rage in the 1980s and are still the mainstays of the diet industry here in the US are loaded with sugar and refined carbs. There's no wonder that diabetes and obesity has increased tenfold since the push
I have also collected data on weight loss and muscle gain on myself, and others. Everyone's different, so what works for you or me may not work for others.
My diet involves eating nothing that comes in a package or has to be altered from its natural state for human consumption so it can be digested/isn't poisonous(grains). I eat the way my grandparents did, and they lived into their 90s (my grandpa was almost 100). When my nana would try to lose her excess 5 lbs, she'd 'cut the starch and sweets'. That was common knowledge in the older generations, and there were very few obese people in those generations.
Here's another research article from Purdue University:
Findings Show Insulin - Not Genes - Linked To Obesity"Researchers have uncovered new evidence suggesting factors other than genes could cause obesity, finding that genetically identical cells store widely differing amounts of fat depending on subtle variations in how cells process insulin.
Learning the precise mechanism responsible for fat storage in cells could lead to methods for controlling obesity."