My naturopath took comprehensive tests of my digestive system twice within a period of eight months and the results were consistent: micro-organisms in my "gut", probably indicating a leaky gut. Not only does this explain why I haven't been able to lose weight (mal-absorption) but in the present state, I could develop auto immune disease (which also explain the high level of antibodies when my thyroid was tested).
So long story short: I tested positive for sensitivity to cow's milk and products from it, so I'm off that. I now do soy milk, rice milk, and almond milk. I miss my cheese but I'm allowed some goat or sheep cheese once in a while. And I have to give up wheat. Yep, pasta, bread although I'm not sure about beer. I'm allowed sprouted bread so I'm now ready to embark on sprouting wheat berries and bake my own.
My new diet is beans and rice for breakfast, salad for lunch, and stir fry for dinner. I've lost four-plus pounds in two weeks and my energy is better.
I miss the bread and cheese, but I'm now past the cravings and I want to heal the leaky gut.
Does anyone else have experience with any of this?