When I was a young teenager, there were three categories of clothes sizes for females:
Misses - for young developed women
Juniors - for young women without curves
Womens - for women say about 40 and above - what used to be called a matron.
Now, I was a size 10 in my 20's, and now i am a size 18 or 20 or 18W or 20W. If I'd been this heavy when I was 20, I would have been worried. But is it possible that this is a healthy size and shape for me now that i am approaching 60?
I was dealing with some health issues that have recently been diagnosed and treated. I'm not as strong as I'd like to be, nor do I have the stamina I used to have. I am working out daily to regain my strength and stamina. My blood work is still all in order.
I know common knowledge says I should not weigh this much. However, are those statistics based on European stock women my age? Life expectancy numbers are distorted because they don't discount infant mortality. For example, life expectancy for a given population may be 50 because so many children die, but anyone who reaches 50 is likely to live to be 75. I'm wondering if the statistics that we use to determine the relationship between body mass and health are also too simplistic.
(Cross-posted from health forum.)