Edited on Mon Jan-03-11 07:17 PM by Sparkly
There's been way too much holiday indulging at the Stinky/Sparkly household over the holiday season. So what's a new year for if not resolutions?!
My strategy: homemade vegetable soup, practically calorie-free and very filling, not to mention loaded with vitamins. I was inspired by the "cabbage soup diet." The diet looks absurd, but the idea of the soup seemed smart.
I chopped up a lot of vegetables, and threw them in a huge pot with water:
cabbage carrots celery green onion yellow onion garlic green peppers green beans mushrooms a few handfuls of spinach leaves canned tomatoes basil, oregano, parsley, thyme
Let it cook an hour or so, add salt and pepper (and chicken bouillon if you want to, although I didn't).
Eat a bowl of that before lunch and dinner and believe me, your appetite will be curbed. In fact, you could eat it all through the day, any time.
(Meanwhile, Stinky used many of the same ingredients to make Manhattan clam chowder, but started with the normal method of sauteing in oil first, and included potatoes. Also very healthy, but I'm determined to get him eating the veggie soup.)
I made a huge amount and froze about half of it.
Just thought I'd share in case it seems like a good idea for anybody else out there! :hi: