I'm 56 next month, have osteoporosis and had high blood pressure (Doc wanted me to start meds)
my highest weight was 175 at 5'3" and in the last year I've slimmed down to 140ish and still have my tummy and hips but have gone from size 18-20 down to 12s and 14s now. the last Doc visit, my cholesterol was back to normal and my BP is totally under control
I highly recommend Beach Body products. you'd probably like turbo jam or slim in 6 and they often recommend a 3 day fast before starting their programs. I am just finishing up a program the end of April and i'm going to fast for 3 days strictly to shrink my stomach a bit so I can kick up the calorie deficit without feeling like i'm starving
diet is the key and you'll need to find a way to grab control of it. I find if I cook a bunch of protein at once (a bunch of chicken breasts or a pork loin) I can use them to jump a quick meal that's healthy too. read labels like a hawk, cut out all high fructose corn syrup (it's in freaking EVERYTHING!) and get hooked up with a calorie counting site. lots of folks like 'my fitness pal'
start a food journal RIGHT NOW, you'll be amazed what you're really eating and probably find a few ways to start cutting calories right away
the Sierras will give you a lot of fun once you get back into shape, cross country skiing, biking, hiking are all in reach after you start training your body and exercising.
and to give you some hope, here's a link to my progress as of January (I'll take some more next month) but if i can do it, you can too!
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=337&topic_id=4702&mesg_id=4703and here's one from a couple weeks ago.....

and here's my wedding pic, 17 years ago when i was a size 10, so I'm getting there....

let me know if i can help! :yourock: