for me.. I am about 40 lbs over my ideal. I ballooned up after 45. I started Atkins when I turned 40 and did pretty well on it, but then I strayed from it, thinking I could reintroduce more high carb foods like bread and pasta. Big mistake.
Here's what I've learned after nine years and the weight is slowly starting to come off:
1) Explore whether you have food allergies/sensitivities. Eating foods that provoke an immune response can make you fat. One reason is increased appetite for that food. Common culprits include: milk, wheat gluten, eggs, nuts. If you find yourself eating and not being able to stop some of these foods.. explore further. Or if you find you have so far unexplained allergic symptoms like upper respiratory congestion, gi distress/bloating, rashes from nowhere. I found out I am sensitive to gluten and milk, so I now avoid those foods. Just an avenue to explore.
2) Adequate protein and fats. Make sure you are getting enough protein for your height and weight and plant/fish fats to satisfy you during the day. Doesn't have to be meat, could be nuts, soy, legumes, etc. Learn to love nut oils and olive oil and avocados if you don't already. I'm down to one serving of animal flesh/day. The rest of the protein I need comes from nuts or tofu if I have it.
3)Eat low on the Glycemic index. Make sure the foods that you do eat do not spike your blood sugar levels quickly then drop just as quickly an hour or so later. These foods can make you feel hungry and tired soon after eating them. Common culprits here are the "white" foods: wheat-flour based baked goods like bread, pasta, white rice esp converted rice, white potatoes. Examples of low GI foods include: green leafy veggies like chard and kale, pickles, olives, broccoli, squash, eggplant (aubergines :P ) and most berries like strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries. Not saying never to eat a certain food, just try to understand how your body uses different foods so that you can pick and choose what it needs anytime you think "I'm hungry."
4) Exercise and movement are necessary. But don't go signing up for the gym if you don't want to. Everything helps. Vigorous housework, gardening, walking the dog. Extended window-shopping on a pretty afternoon. For the moment, getting out with my dog is working for me. What matters is make sure during the day you make yourself pant. :P :D
5) Drink enough fluids. Water is fine, so is unsweetened tea. So is coffee. If I want something cold, essence-flavored mineral water is good. Since you're British, I hope you put cream in your tea, not milk with it's med. high sugar content. No sugar, no honey. Not to get too graphic, but if the toilet looks pale yellow, you're about right.
6) Since you quit smoking (yay trubrit71!!) I hope you have found healthier activity/habit to take the place of smoking. My hat's off to anyone who quits. :D
As you can see, I had to learn quite a bit of nutritional info. Here are some of the resources I've used:
The Glycemic Index: End of Overeating: Taking Control of the Insatiable American Appetite, by David Kessler, M.D. : (This book is eye-opening when it comes time to look at restaurant offerings. I haven't looked at a menu the same way since.)
Science behind the Atkins diet: Atkins isn't just low carb, but really it's about using the carbs/veggies that you do eat as a way to manage your blood sugar (therefore insulin) levels in ways that will get you to burn stored fat, not the brownies you just ate.
And one that I've learned of the past week:
Wheat Belly: author's thesis is that the wheat in our foods today is not our grandfathers' and grandmothers' wheat. It's been genetically altered for production and disease resistance. Unfortunately for many people it may also be indigestible.
Ugh. I realize this is a ton of info. Feel free to keep posting and let us know of your progress. :hi: :-)