I'll bet dime to a dozen donuts he doesn't understand or really care about feminism, and if he did, it would be of the "sex positive" persuasion. I've recently read him, he's got that rambling, not-quite coherent style that makes him hard to read. Interspersed with sex organ or sex act cussing. A bit obsessively, if you ask me.
I have a friend who uses a lot of the same language. (I'm not language angel myself--quite the opposite) My friend, who is 63, one of the reasons I like him because he's an equal opportunity insulter. He sees where women are repressed or used, but on the other hand doesn't treat them like eternal victims. He tries to tell the truth as he sees it, about men and women. Men don't come off very well in how he perceives sexual politics. I'm surprised at how close he comes to expressing some basic feminist thought, this aging, uneducated ex-truckdriver. He uses the words he's used his whole life. It's kind of funny, how other men, better educated men, who don't use those words in public, being impressed by themselves, are still misogynist asses. My friend will call them on it every time.
BUT, my friend doesn't have a blog. He doesn't use words to try to shock, or "be different" he's expressing the world in terms he knows and understands. He also listens about words, and how they might harm.