Isn't it ridiculous? I pulled out my Natalie Angier Book; (Women; An Intimate Geography)--she argues that there really isn't a clear evolutionary reason for "the aesthetic breast", ie; the development of frontal sex once we started standing upright, some sort of mating ready signal, the pretty much debunked "aquatic ape theory". She thinks maybe human beings were/are attracted to the shape of roundness, shown in so much of our bodies.
"A woman's breasts, I argue, are like Burley's white crests. They're pretty, they're flamboyant, they're irresistible. By they are arbitrary, and they signify much less than we think. This is a contrarian view. Evolutionary theorists have proposed many explanations for the existence of the breast, usually according to a symbolic or a functional value, as a signal to men of information they need to know about a potential mate. How can we not give the breast its evolutionary due when it is there in our faces, begging for narrative? "Few issues have been the focus for a wider range of speculation based on fewer facts than the evolutionary origin and physiological function of women's breasts," the biologist Caroline Pond has written. The stories about the breast sound real and persuasive, and they may all have a germ of validity because we ascribe meaning wherever and however we choose; the is one of the perquisites of being human. As the actress Helen Mirren said in in the movie O Lucky Man, "All religions are equally true"
Still, I will argue that breasts fundamentally are here by accident. They are sensory exploiters. They say little or nothing about a woman's inherent health, quality, or fecundity. The are accouterments. If we go looking for breasts and for ways to enhance and display our breasts, to make them stand out like unnatural, almost farcical Barbie-doll missile heads, then we are doing what breasts have always done, which is appeal to an irrational aesthetic sense that has no function but that begs to be amused. The ideal breasts are, and have always been, stylized breasts. A woman's breasts welcome illusion and the imaginative opportunities of clothing. The can be enhanced or muted, as a woman chooses, and their very substance suggests as much: they are soft and flexible, clay to play with. They are funny things, really, and we should learn to laugh at them, which may be easier to do if we first take them seriously"