...the fact that she's always been striving for stardom. How would anyone develop as a human being when they've spent the better part of their life focused on entertaining people and becoming a star?
When that much of a person's focus is spent on any one thing, something else is bound to suffer. Maybe she doesn't have great decision making skills, but how would she? Her life's been about making the next deal, doing the next show, being seen, getting noticed, etc. It's all very outward focused and superficial. She became a star when most people are just starting to explore who they are and what they want out of life.
She didn't get to "date" or test the relationship waters and see what that was about. She hasn't had an opportunity to learn about men. Of course she'd marry some idiot that danced for her.
Which brings me to him, and thank you for bringing up Mr. Federline. I believe you're right about his history. His prior GIRLFRIEND was pregnant with their next child when he hooked up with Britney. It is rumored that Britney bought the young woman a home (perhaps feeling badly about the guy's choice--so SHE tried to compensate for it :eyes:).
Oh and may I say, I see him as a total opportunist? I think he wants their children because he's eager to maintain the lifestyle that being Mr. Spears has afforded him, making bad rap albums and shopping in Beverly Hills boutiques. It's not like he wanted his other children. :eyes: So it pains me to see people vilify her and suddenly exalt him. As if he didn't SUCK before, :shrug:
You know, when Heather was divorcing Paul McCartney and asking for substantial amounts of money in the settlement SHE was a gold digger (among other unsavory terms). I avoided the threads here like the plague, they were very ugly and mean.
:wtf: Does the label not apply because we are talking about a guy?
There's a looooong history of men attaching themselves to women with money and status to care for them, but NO ONE seems to talk about it. I can't tell you how many profiles of women in old Hollywood I've watched, where the woman trusted her husband to care for her career/finances, only to wake up one day to find he'd gambled and/or drank it all away. Leaving the woman to re-build her life, finances, late in life. Frequently when they are less popular or older and not considered "bankable" by the industry. But over and over again, women did it successfully(a couple of examples that come to mind are Doris Day and Betty Grable).
There's also Parker Stevenson, the former Hardy Boys star that won a hefty alimony settlement from Kirstie Alley, as if he couldn't go out and work. :eyes: