At a conference I attended, was adamant about keeping pornography, especially child pornography away from prepubescent, and pubescent males. (I posted on this before, so forgive me If I'm repeating myself) She was a forensic nurse and an expert on child development, often called to court as an expert witness. What she basically said was images are very powerful, very stimulating, and in the days when kids are forming sexuality, care needs to be taken on what they are exposed to. Unfortunately, we have a black hole for what I would consider healthy sexual images, or examples, so I think what happens, is society tends to go the other way and gives far too little information. I'm believe the sex industry and the porn industry fills that gap. School that have "abstinence" education have no idea of the damage they can cause. Where are kids whose bodies are telling them to become sexually active going to go? Sneaking dad's Playboy? What's forbidden on the internet? Or surreptitiously glancing at ads in the back of weeklies, or at the strip clubs when driving by to soccer practice with mom?
And what of girls? We KNOW what brand of bullshit they're being fed, and some of the same folks who are appalled at a 5 year old in a thong panty, will play blame the rape victim game for BeingThereintheFirstPlace,BeingDrunk, DressingLikeAHo --on and on --all day long. Or just figure she must be lying. Never, once seeing the hypocrisy on what girls are taught as valuable in themselves vs what they are faced with as young girls and young women.
I used to read a lot about serial killers. I was aware of Bundy's bullshit about porn. He blamed porn in the same way Jeffery Dahmer blamed "evolution" as the reason for his actions. It may have, and quite possibly was been one of many triggers. He was a psychopath, a liar, and nothing I've ever read has explained the total "why" of the serial killer. We (Society) have too many of them. One is too many. But way too many. They've become become part of popular culture, a fascination, romanticized ala "Hannibal" We also, evidently have a fascination with types of porn that seem painful, extreme, bizarre, not to be acted in real life, but watched. (Some of the things I've seen, I think, oh honey, you are going to have ALL your innards prolapsed by the time you're 45) I don't know if their is a connection or not, but it seems within the realm of possibility.
It's funny, the SMBD crowd, I know a few folks into it. There are reasons and there are reasons why they do what they do, but they tend to be a quite a bit more honest, a bit more open than your average porn and rape apologist. I don't tell them I feel sorry for them because they wouldn't appreciate it at all, and I also don't tell them why I think this form of sexuality evolved in the first place. Actually they usually know more about it than I do, but they interpret information differently.