NOW has endorsed her. I'm thinking it's because of her gender. She's done some good stuff, I suppose-- I don't know her congressional record very well. I do know she is playing the political game she has to play, but I always thought of her husband as republican lite, and I had placed her in the same category. Pandering to religion doesn't surprise me one bit, practically, the religious right HAS to be countered. Doing the "I'm a religious Democrat" Seems to be all the rage among all candidates, and she is no exception. I think she'll save her political ass before she endorses an agenda that is truly pro-woman. And pro-woman is pro human being. When I read the threads of woe infesting GD lately, I want to say "It's the patriarchy stupid." Imagine how THAT would go over. So we have a powerful women in contention, in the game, but playing by the same fucked up rules, that leads to a sort of combo libertarian/quasi-conservative /fascist corporate ideology.
I've always leaned toward socialism, not entirely, but enough. Until 2000 when even I could smell the shit coming down the road, I voted for the Socialist Party in national politics, sometimes Democrats in local (I tend to be a realist) Until 2000, I was one of the "doesn't make any difference" crowd, so I voted my closest political heart, "throwing my vote away" Until 2000. When I saw what fucking Holy Ronald Reagan had allowed to fester and infect American politics come to a disgusting purulent head. I started voting Democrat. Held my nose, and voted Democrat every time. I found sites like DU and found more in common with Democrats than I ever knew.
So I haven't made up my mind. Senator Clinton disappoints, but so do they all right now, with the double-speak religious bullshit that ignores the absolute necessity of total and complete separation of church and state. I think it should illegal, or a least considered in very poor taste, for any politician to use religion as part of a campaign.
If Senator Clinton is elected, I'm assuming that we can expect sensible pro-choice court appointments, the repeal of the Global Gag rule, interventions in areas of genocide like Darfur, the end of War as a Just Dandy Solution, proper and adequate funding for schools, a major overhaul of our prison systems, (Prisons are corporate fascism personified)the end of the ill-conceived "war on drugs", Universal health care, Real science back in vogue including Real interventions for global warming, deforestation, and endangered species, as well as any attempt to teach "Intelligent design" in classrooms laughed out of court. Hell, I'd like to see the ERA back "on the table" and national laws protecting Gay marriage. --you know the basic stuff that indicates our "leaders" are real human beings. I hope I don't assume too much, and I'm very afraid I do.