A lot of DUers say it is that they aren't 'liberal enough' but this complaint from so many who are so misogynist to begin with starts to smell insincere. And no they haven't always seen/done things 'my' way, but OTOH, either/both are 100% better choices than their republic counterparts. Both have excellent ratings from those who rate liberals based on their total votes. But where the IWR and NAFTA and Impeachment stuff *is* not as liberal as *I* want, I recognize that these single issues don't dominate the end-all be-all of a candidate... especailly compared to SC appointmnets, power grabbing VPs and signing statements, and republic priorities, post-9/11. We need these women in office, and we need to support/encourage them by voting in MORE democratic candidates, and by making sure they hear what we prioritize, not by turning their least liberal points against them and stabbing with 'em. I think it's because of their gender that many at DU won't support them, and they'll hide behind IWR, NAFTA and Impeachment to keep from admitting that they don't like them because they're women.