"But her campaign has also prompted slurs and inflammatory language that many women thought had been banished from public discourse."
They DID? And where-n-hell did "many women" get that idea? Sometimes being a feminist is a rear guard action. We're voices in the wilderness until somebody feels personally affronted. As long as it's someone else dealing with overt sexist language, well hey, we've come a long way baby.
Then there is this;
"The concern among some women about sexism comes amid signs that women's progress in the workplace has stalled or even regressed. In 2007, women earned median weekly wages of 80.2 cents for every dollar earned by men, down from 80.8 cents in 2006 and 81 cents in 2005, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistic.
At the nation's largest 500 companies, women account for 50% of managers, but hold just 15.4% of senior executive jobs, down from 16.4% in 2005, according to a survey by Catalyst, the New York research firm and women's advocacy group. Almost three-quarters of these senior women are in jobs that rarely lead to the corner office. The number of senior women in "line" jobs that involve running a business, with responsibility for profits and losses, dropped to 27.5% last year from 29% in 2005, according to Catalyst."
Well no shit. For those who've been paying attention.
"An hour away in Indiana, Pa., a working-class town, Jill Fiore, who teaches part-time at a local college and has a doctorate in English, says she constantly has to remind students to call her "Dr. Fiore" -- the same way they address male professors -- rather than "Jill" or "Mrs. Fiore." Unable to get a full-time college teaching job, she made just $8,000 last year cobbling together part-time work, and she recently decided to open a yoga business.
"The sexism aimed at Hillary is astounding me," she says. "We want to let our daughters know that we can be anything. It's a lie. If even Hillary Clinton can't make it, what chance do we have?"
I don't base my hopes of gender equality on Senator Clinton's campaign, but the point is well taken. I feel strangely compelled to post this from IBlameThePatriarchy;
"She enlarged on her point. It’s not so much that Hillary’s politics are destroying her, but the fact that, whether she advertises it or not (and she does not), Clinton is, by dint of her aspiration to ultimate personal sovereignty as the king of the world, de facto a feminist. Hillary isn’t electable, Stingray opined, because most people, particularly women, would rather die screaming than associate themselves with feminism.
Don’t I know it. These days even feminists are against feminism. Check out this post from a blog called, unfortunately, “The Pervocracy,” which I chanced upon at the very moment Stingray made her assertion about women’s antipathy toward feminism. The post was authored by someone named Holly whose online identity revolves around sex; it’s a twist on the venerable “I’m not a feminist, but …”, entitled, winsomely, “I love men!”: