It is an interior struggle. Where do we draw our personal lines? Am I a failure as a feminist because I wear lip gloss? An I a success because I weight train? Or a failure because I'm proud of my body, or am I proud of it because men still look, or because I love the human body as-art? Does it matter? (To me it does, I do a lot of self checks)
The successful female sex workers I've known always have something of the pimp about them. In fact you almost have to be a pimp in some way to succeed, in my view.
Who is the predator? I read a study on German prostitution about that very thing, in the red light district. "Prostitution and predation" I think it was called. That the study written by a male just pissed me off, since HE wasn't out there selling his ass, he was observing the women who were trying to make a Goddam living, using an damaged and damaging infrastructure he was safely in control of.
I like feminist philosophy, I read as much as I can, some of it is so insightful it just blows me away, whether it's examining gender roles, ethnic roles, just war theory or reproductive rights or anything else. (I try to post some of it here now and again from Hypatia) These feminists philosophers aren't afraid of any topic, shy away from nothing. Push things as far as they can be pushed. These great minds are everything I want mine to be, and they acknowledge, freely the flux, the challenges. They persevere in a completely male dominated professional world, in a vocation that to this day says women haven't got the minds to do it, WHILE they're doing it anyway.