Edited on Sun Apr-20-08 07:06 PM by bliss_eternal
Dishonest because I doubt it's going to say any of this: Title--Sick, Sad World
Our society is completely superficial, and tells women if they don't look a certain way--they no longer exist. It also tells women if they look a certain way, the will be loved, happy and everything will be sunshine, lollipops and fun times. :)
It's a big, fat lie that the world uses to make money and keep women down. Because of that, mommy is risking her life by having surgery. Yes, risking her life. Mommy will get sleepy juice, from a scary man wearing a mask. :scared:
The man in the mask makes his living telling women that all the things they hate about themselves are totally worth them risking their lives to change. This man makes lots and lots of money doing this every single day. This scary man in a mask thinks that all the cool toys he can buy with all the money he makes, means he's a better person. He may actually hate himself, and is trying to compensate for it by making lots of money by telling others to hate themselves. He probably hates women, because he spends a lot of time cutting into women's skin--just like he's going to do to mommy. :cry:
While mommy is sleeping on a big table, with a tube in her mouth--this man will take away some parts of her and add other parts to her. Yes, mommy will be just like Mr.Potato Head!! ;) Some of the soft squishy parts of mommy will be replaced by firm, smooth parts, and some plastic may be put in, too. Mommy will like the way it all looks (and sadly Daddy might, too) but you will probably hate the way it feels when she hugs you. :(
Poor mommy has caved to the scary voices on the tv, radio and in magazines that tell her over and over again that she's not good enough exactly the way she is. Mommy doesn't know any better than to risk her life doing what those awful voices tell her, than to stand up to them and teach you that it's all a big, stupid lie.