This short paragraph seems to sum it up;
"But, she said, "women are allowed that bit more freedom as long as men behave. When men choose not to, it comes right back at women: 'What did you do to stop him? What was it about you that he chose you to rape?'"
Then there's this;
"As many as one in two young men believe there are some circumstances when it's okay to force a woman to have sex," said Conservative Party leader David Cameron, citing studies.
Now while this "Conservative leader" blames "Moral Collapse"---I'm assuming here he doesn't understand that the sexual component of rape is just a means to an end for a violent crime--The greater picture is violence against women continues to be an epidemic. Rape as a war crime. Intimate partner violence. In the women's rights group, there is a post regarding so called "honor killings"-- A gross misnomer--there is no honor in this; There is no cultural justification, it's a perversion of religious and cultural beliefs.
Start a rape thread here in DU, or anywhere, and watch the rape apologists and the misogynists all come out to play
I still like this website, as well as this concept;