I don't know anything about it. I just looked it up on Wiki, it doesn't sound so hot to me. I've yet to see a televised SF show that isn't sexist, one reason being they have to market to todays audience. So you get standard gender roles and sexual tension between characters marketed as the "future". And honestly, reading the premise of the show-- (from Wiki) "The show explores the lives of people who fought on the losing side of a civil war and now make a living on the outskirts of the society, as well as the pioneer culture that exists on the fringes of their star system"
With the operative word "pioneer", prostitution and a society of what is really a typical and mundane hyper-male patriarchy is not surprising at all. And a very common theme in a lot a SF, trying for a new "temple prostitute" archetype. Kind of a big yawn for me. I wouldn't be disapointed, because I wouldn't expect anything else.
Certain SF authors have created societies where gender is not based on the master/slave dialectic. These are great to read, because the homophobia (sometimes homophobia expresses itself by it's very lack of homosexuals--not likely in any society) is much less, prostitution, when it exists, is an equal opportunity employer with males, females and all degrees in between.
Woman in these books are woman, yes, but their gender isn't made clear by sexual roles. They are good or evil or whatever. They are Captains of starships, Heads of State, or just one of the crowd. C.J. Cherryh does an excellent job creating a possible future in her Union-Alliance universe. C.S. Friedman is another author who explores gender roles, and does have a short series where women are little more than ornaments in one group, but it's ever so much more complicated and thought provoking. Octavia Butler is simpley amazing in her book "Lilith's Brood"
Anyway, I am going on. I'm sure the blog author made valid points, but I read awesome SF. The show sounds like drivel I wouldn't watch in the first place.