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Viagra helps depressed women: study

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ismnotwasm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-24-08 07:38 AM
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Viagra helps depressed women: study
Edited on Thu Jul-24-08 07:47 AM by ismnotwasm
Well. Well, well well.
Someone paying a bit of attention to women's sexuallity that doesn't deal with painful aumentation surgeries and uncomfortable clothes for the patriarchy. Not to mention make up, useless anti-aging creams, diets and those "How to make him hot" topics that spawn on the covers of "womens" magizines. And lest we forget, my personal favorite, the total surgical "mommy" makeover. Can't be the lest little bit unfuckable, oh, no. Let's get those breasts high and perky, that vagina back in fighting trim, and keep that labia prepubesent. Self esteem? Not when you do that to yourself. Shit.

"CHICAGO (AFP) - The erectile dysfunction drug Viagra has proven effective at combating sexual dysfunction in depressed women, according to a study published Tuesday.

Sexual dysfunction is a common side effect of antidepressants and a major reason why people stop taking medication for their depression.

This is particularly problematic given that twice as many women as men are prescribed antidepressants but the most effective drugs used to combat sexual dysfunction in men are not approved for use in women, the authors wrote.";_ylt=AlWswglH1ScmPZ7rAb0IwITVJRIF
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bliss_eternal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-24-08 09:39 PM
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1. Oooooh--boner pills for the populace....wheeeee!
Edited on Thu Jul-24-08 09:55 PM by bliss_eternal

Given those pesky side effects (i.e. heart trouble, blindness, perpetual erections from hell, etc. which I can't find any links for at the moment), lets just offer it up for the women folk to solve all those "emotional woes" they have. :eyes:

Excuse me while I'm pissed off that it's now going to be easier for a woman to get Viagra (for depression) than the morning after pill, (to prevent pregnacy post assault). :grr::mad:

p.s. feel free to cross post this in pro-choice--may make for interesting discussion there, too.
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ismnotwasm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-24-08 11:27 PM
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2. No shit
Viagra is similar to nitroglycerin, and if I remember right, it started out a cardiac drug.
Viagra works with men by helping blood flow to that spongy part of the penis and reducing venous pressure. Your blood pressure can dump, you can become postural. You become postural you can fall and break things you don't want to break. Not a good drug to take if you don't have to.

Kids at raves were using it with XTC and there was one documented case in my area of a young man losing his penis after a prolonged erection, that led to necrosis.

I'm not sure how the study came up with this conclusion for women, nor am I sure why they are using Viagra in the first place, rather than something woman specific.(Imagine that) Women, when aroused have increased blood flow to genitalia of course, but is NOT the same mechanism. I hate that woman are studied like they're some sort of incomplete male, rather than acknowledging the gracefully fantastic way we express healthy sexuality.

On the other hand, A depressed woman may be desperate enough, and in enough emotional pain to try anything. I would imagine these women volunteered for the study. I'm being very, very cynical here, and maybe not appropriate, but it's my experience in women's health, whether my own observation or another health care provider-- In many women who are not aroused, well,it's because they're not being aroused. They're not having orgasms because their partners haven't taken the time to find what works. There is still an appalling lack of general anatomy knowledge, and shame surrounding genitalia.

Heterosexual women tend to want to please their male partner. That's just how we roll, what we are taught is important. Being desirable and sexy is the message. A woman is so quick to blame herself, which is usually bullshit, in my admittedly biased opinion.

There are still insurance companies I think someone who posts here worked for one I forget who, that cover viagra and deny at least some types of birth control. I was reading about that happening lately elsewhere.

A story I think I posted before, I was in an ACLS class with a medic (Not military, private company) who had been in Iraq. One of the big cities. He said they had run out of nitro, and since Viagra "was on every street corner". It doesn't work the same for cardiac emergencies or angina, but the medic thought it was better than nothing.
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