Edited on Sat Aug-30-08 09:01 PM by bliss_eternal
...I helped to bug the hell out of the admins. until we got a pro-choice group. lol. :P
It's their site and I can't do a damn thing about the fact that they allow anti-choice discussions to exist on an alleged progressive board. But I can help create a safe haven for women to get away from that bullshit, so that's what I did. :shrug:
I've been known to create a few threads that keep track of all the instances of inequality that exist in this alleged progressive haven... :evilgrin: Why relegate my stands against the patriarchy to the off-line world?
Away from the internet, pretty much like you...I boycott crap after I write letters letting them know why I'm boycotting. When still an active news watcher (main stream media) I frequently called and wrote letters complaining about coverage of women, people of color and the glbt community on the news---which was a constant source of my viewing frustration.