MoJo routinely irritates me, with it's below the radar-it-thinks sexism. It is generally a good source of information, though. So I'm reading this interview with Mitchell Baker, and it's like the interviewer just HAS to do the "nerdy sex symbol" bullshit. She sidestepped the whole thing nicely. But Christ on a crutch this shit is getting old.
"Winifred "Mitchell" Baker, chair of the Mozilla Foundation and former CEO of Mozilla Corp., is the leading lady of the Web browser shows. Whether or not she's Bill Gates backwards and in high heels, as a tech leader she sure can dance. This year's Firefox update set a Guinness World Record for the largest number of software downloads in 24 hours; Time has called Baker one of the most influential people in the world. But the woman once known as Mozilla's "Chief Lizard Wrangler" is almost as well recognized for her reddish swoop of hair, strikingly similar to the Firefox logo, as for her leadership cred. Baker sat down with Mother Jones at the BlogHer conference in San Francisco to talk about Silicon Valley sexism and Mozilla's future, and was briefly rendered speechless by question No. 1."
And just WHAT was question number 1?
Mother Jones: How does it feel to be a geek sex symbol?
Why oh why oh why? Fuck. Lets go ask Bill Gates the size of his dick while we're at it.