"To the relief of many on the political left, last week's budget negotiations ended in a compromise that spared funding for Planned Parenthood. Republicans targeted the family planning agency -- one of the largest recipients of Title X, the federal grant program dedicated to reproductive health services for low-income patients -- because it provides abortions, among other preventive health care services. Although no federal funds under the program are used for abortion, during the tense 2011 budget talks, more than $300 million in cuts to Title X were on the line.
On Thursday, House Republicans continued the fight by voting for a stand-alone resolution to defund Planned Parenthood, a measure that the Senate promptly voted down. But as bigger negotiations loom concerning the 2012 budget and the debt ceiling, conservatives in Congress have signaled that their mission isn't over. It's a political climate all too familiar to Dr. Joycelyn Elders"
http://www.theroot.com/views/root-interview-jocelyn-eldersAwesome interview. My favorite part
TR: Talking to teens about contraception is one thing. The last straw with you in 1994 was your remark about possibly teaching masturbation. I suspect that wouldn't go over much better today.
JE: I think you're right, but we're at least talking about it much more. Back then, everybody was acting like this was a word they'd never heard. Everybody does it, but nobody admits to it. If everybody in Congress who'd ever masturbated in their life would turn green, then we would have a green Congress. That's true for the whole country, and other countries, too.
Gives new meaning to 'green' LOL