I used to get into very heated arguments with guys who INSISTED that sexual harassment was an overblown myth and wasn't really all that serious. I thought they were crazy then, and still do. Because while they were saying this, it was happening all around them and they weren't seeing it.
In certain departments the only way a woman could get a promotion was to be attractive and willing to "date" the supervisor, director, or VP, working your way up. Of course, the woman would be constantly trashed behind her back for sleeping her way to the top. But nobody would ever trash the asshole men for making that necessary. Nobody would question why the more attractive women feel that it's necessary to let their boss get physical with them. Nobody would question why the less attractive women aren't getting promoted as high, or as fast, or in the same departments, or with raises as high or as often. Nobody would question why women in the office are unhappy and think they aren't treated very well.
I "got in trouble" a couple of times for talking about discrimination and sexual harassment. I was told I shouldn't be talking about stuff that I "really should know doesn't happen here."
I could never convince other men that there were two sets of rules in the corporate world. One set of rules of conduct for men, and one for women. They honestly believed that in the business world everyone has to behave the same and everyone is judged the same.
Okay then, so why was it that men could hang around together talking about sports, women, tv shows, whatever, and they were still "working" but if women were hanging around together talking they were "wasting time" and would get reprimanded for it?
Why was it that men who left the company to work someplace else could, and often did, come back a few years later to the company to work in a higher level position for more pay, retaining their prior seniority. But women who left the company were never allowed to come back. Once a woman left to go work someplace else, it was considered a permanent choice, an abandonment of the company. She chose to leave forever.
Why was it that women had to ask not to have to work with reps from certain international companies because those reps always tried to get them back to the hotel and into bed? Why was it that the company refused to have male reps work with those people, knowing their history and reputation for sexually harassing and coercing female employees, and considered the women weak or unprofessional if they couldn't "handle" those foreign reps?
Why was it that women would be criticized if their desks were messy, as if it was a sign of some personal flaw, but the condition of a man's desk was never an issue?
Why was it that any guy who wasn't required to wear a full suit (usually the tech guys, help desk, night crew, etc.) could get away with wearing Sneakers and white socks with their corporate casual, but all women absolutely had to wear shoes? Women can't be allowed to wear the most comfortable footwear?
Why was it that when meeting with clients, women were required to wear Make-up? Women can't look good and have clean skin without it? What about women with beautiful but very sensitive skin? That make-up can be blemishing that beautiful feminine face that they supposedly think is so important.
Why was it that when meeting with clients, strip-clubs were on the approved places to take clients, where corporate credit cards could be used?
If sexual harassment was blown out of proportion and never really happens, how was all of this stuff happening in busy offices and only a very few guys heard women talking about it, or noticed it happening?