Just saw another NEW movie ad, with someone stalking, pursuing, then holding a woman captive and I'm guessing torturing said woman. :puke:
Sorry, but I was so dismayed I don't recall the name of this potential pos.
Excuse me, but what is supposed to be SO fucking entertaining about stalking women, taking them against their will, holding them captive, torturing them, etc.?
Brief reminder of what I mean by recent rash of this:
Black Snake Moan (no extreme or violent torture to my knowlege, but woman held captive in itty bitty clothing--allegedly for her own good :eyes: by big, heavy chain).
Hostel 2 (just read this was a flop...heehehe :P)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asylum_%282007_film%29 (soon to be released :eyes:)
(sigh) As if I have to ask.
Then I wonder where some of the attitudes posted in GD come from. :eyes: