And damaging. Part of the we-CHOOSE-to-be-exploited and this is freedom mentality. Sometimes I think around the same the word feminist was demonized many young (and not so young) women--who have no clue about female sexual history, did some sort of collective coscienceness thing to find a replacement. (Some try to call it "third wave" feminism, but not all of our third wave young sisters embrace this, by no means) Aided by media, and the good ol' boy system, (One of the reasons strippers make the money they do in the profession they defend) they somehow missed every guess and every genderized cultural clue and decided being a ho was a good thing. Part of it is in your face rebellion, but somehow, the rebellion is one sided, and keeps not only the virgin/whore paradigm intact, but feeds the dominance of male sexuality.
And They Don't Get it.
(Strippers say, hey say "I make money, men do what I want--I'm exploiting THEM"
And I think, Guess what sister, I heard the same tired old song and dance in the 70's. Having been there and done that I saw the prices paid out. Putting your way though college? Great. But don't bullshit ME about the cost.)
Exploring ones sexuality, taking responsibility for it, being brave and bold, turning a back on the status quo, joining in the ages old human mating rituals, I understand. I "get" alternative sexuality, even though the apparent continued 'need' saddens me in ways I can't explain.
I don't get, and my daughters don't get--(lest 47 be too old) the idea that sexual freedom is being able to call yourself a ho. Or understand why anyone would think that since it's so very, very easy to make money as a sex worker, or use female sexuality to promote anything that 1)it's a new idea and 2) means sexual freedom.
Perhaps having rejected the word feminist, or thinking "old school" feminism has accomplished all it can, and being young and unaware, it's a you can't beat 'em join em fest. These young women are probably honestly be searching for sexual autonomy in the best way they know how, in a world that welcomes them on the surface. To me, it's like bleeding in water surrounded by sharks.