Mr. Birkenfeld was the UBS banker who blew the whistle to the Feds on abuses of account secrecy by a number of U.S. clients and directed them toward sources of information for many others. UBS AG was forced to pay $780 million in fines and penalties to the U.S., but it seems not before they struck a deal to make sure no one would ever be inclined to blow that particular whistle again. Though the most egregious tax cheats were given probation, Mr. Birkenfeld was given a sentence of almost 3 1/2 years in jail which he started serving in January. He was falsely alleged to have witheld information on his own clients who were culpable, but transcripts of his testimony before a Senate Banking subcommittee shows that this was just not the case. Besides being a glaring injustice, his treatment obviously creates a huge chilling effect on others who are or will be contemplating blowing the whistle on misbehavior at any large bank.
Petition to Grant Clemency to UBS Bank Whistleblower Bradley BirkenfeldSee more at
the National Whistleblowers Center webpage on Bradley Birkenfeld, and on these videos: and