Edited on Fri Sep-03-10 08:40 PM by WillParkinson
The other day Paul was tooling around online and I noticed a small blurb on a website that he was at.
Six-pack rings: See if your local school participates in the Ring Leader Recycling Program (ringleader.com); kids collect six-pack rings to be recycled into other plastic items, including plastic lumber and plastic shipping pallets.
We checked and found no schools in our area that do this, but we're going to save up the ones we have at work (I work in a hotel and we use a lot of those rings) and our local health food store is also interested in helping out.
Paul called them and they said that we could do it even if there wasn't a school we could still do it.
Here is their information:
The Ring Leader Recycling Program
More than 12,000 schools, business and groups around the world have helped to save the environment by participating in the free Ring Leader Recycling Program. Participants in the program collect ring carriers and ship them back to Hi-Cone. The ring carriers are used in open loop recycling. This helps to reduce litter and waste in our landfills as well as the amount of natural resources needed to create new plastic products.
It important to consider that the most effective way to recycle Hi-Cone ring carriers is to include them in local recycling programs, wherever #4 LDPE or mixed plastics are collected. This is the most environmentally friendly way to recycle your rings for several reasons.
Using Local Recycling Sources:
— Saves on the fuel that is consumed in the shipping of the rings from one location to another.
— Saves on the packaging that is required for shipping the rings, which, in turn, creates more materials to be recycled.
— Increases the success of your local recycling programs, helping to ensure their continued growth.
For these “green” reasons, it is best that you check to see what local recycling sources are available to you first. Here are two good sources to check to see if #4 LDPE is collected in your area:
* Earth911 * 1800recycling.com
If, however, recycling of #4 LDPE does not exist in your area, you can join our free Ringleader recycling program!
Ring Leader Recycling Program is designed for both formal and informal educational venues to help minimizing the damaging effects of litter on the environment. The Ring Leader Recycling Program is an educational experience, involving recyclable six-pack rings and the Three R's — Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.
After you join the Ring Leader Recycling Program, you will receive a FREE kit (one per group) containing a tree, and information on returning the rings for recycling (postage paid by Hi-Cone).
Joining the program is an easy, three-step process:
1. Confirm an interest with your group or school. 2. Join the program by filling out the form to receive a FREE kit (one per school or group). 3. Implement your recycling efforts as a total school project with kit materials received from Hi-Cone.
Once you have implemented the Ring Leader Recycling Program, you can order additional supplies from Hi-Cone when necessary.
We thought it might be a good idea to pass this along to everyone here.
Thank you for your time.