I wanted to discuss the world oil supply. Wasn't sure what forum to start off in, I briefly considered Environmentalism forum, but I honestly don't know if they get it. Oil running out will pretty much take care of the environmental issues naturally. Then Economics, but they are way too technical for me. Over the years I remember every post in this forum seemed incredibly level headed, so I feel like you guys know what's up.
I've seen the graph produced by the DOE which indicates anywhere from 2026 to 2047, then poof oil is pretty much gone after that. People don't seem to understand, it's like people eating dinner, when it's gone it's gone, without a gradually weening off phase most people seem to expect.
I might be alive during these years, if things go well, so I'm going to be living on the planet when there is virtually no oil left.
My main concern is with regard to the tone of many progressives, liberals, people on the DU. Some issues, IMO, are sort of irrelevant in comparison. For instance, I am opposed to income inequality, but really if I am taxed a thousand more and millionaire get to keep all their money, I'm not going to lose sleep over it. Healthcare should totally be a universal system, but more important we need to have access to it, which nobody talks about. If you are in the country 20 miles from a hospital, no train and no electric car, then what? Supporting the working class is great, but without oil there will be less manufacturing, less work no matter what.
I have seen nothing Obama is doing that is counter to the situation we are about to face. The rail system is essential. He said we'd be using 80% clean power by 2035, but I believe that will be due to natural causes, as there will be no other choice by then. Protecting Alaska and offshore locations is less about environmentalism, and more about not using up our reserves too soon. These are the serious issues, and I would hope that people are prepared to focus their concerns on preparing for a totally different scenario that there is no doubt we will face.
And oh, should I move from up north to a more temperate climate?