:hi:Today I came across an article about a Muslim women who wishes to work at the Islamic College of Amsterdam, but she is not wishing to wear Hijab, which is something that they insist she do in order to be accepted as a teacher.
http://www.islamonline.com/cgi-bin/news_service/world_full_story.asp?service_id=1989The Equality Commission of the Netherlands decided in November that the ICA shouldn’t have insisted that Samira Haddad, 32, wears a headscarf to be accepted as a teacher...
The school's board agreed that a Hijab was not necessary for the performance of duties in the school, but said that there are clear clothing regulations in the Islamic religion.
"The profession of the Islamic faith leads to prescribed regulations in relation to clothing," the ICA said.It seems to me that if she wants to work there she should follow the clothing regulations, if it was any other job that had a dress code, she would be expected to follow it. I think also what they are saying is that since she is a Muslim teacher they expect her to wear Hijab. It is in a way ironic, alot of us Muslim women fight to wear Hijab and expect to have others accept it and comply, because it is our religion, but she doesn't want to wear it, even though as Muslim women we are expected to wear it. I believe that she has a right not to, but if she wants to work in an Islamic school then she should be expected to wear Hijab. That is my personal opinion, what do you think?