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Head scarf row grows in Turkey

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PsychoDad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-12-06 12:55 AM
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Head scarf row grows in Turkey
Head scarf row grows in Turkey
Sunday 12 February 2006, 4:45 Makka Time, 1:45 GMT

Turkey's government has again come into conflict with the secular judiciary, condemning a High Court ruling some see as a first step towards extending the country's ban on Islamic head scarves in public buildings to the streets.

Earlier this week, Turkey's highest administrative court, the Council of State, said it objected to the promotion of an elementary school teacher because she wore a head scarf outside of school.

Under Turkish law, women are not allowed to enter schools and other public buildings wearing head scarves, and the teacher removed it each day while teaching classes.

In its decision, however, the council expressed concern that even though she removed her head covering in class, the teacher was setting a bad example for young people and had violated the secular principles of the Turkish state.

Wearing hijab is a bad example for children?
Isn't forcing a woman not to wear hijab as equally wrong as forcing a woman to wear one? Are not both stomping on her right to choose?

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ayeshahaqqiqa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Feb-12-06 10:25 AM
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1. I've heard that the Turkish state is repressive towards believers
I know that Sufis must do their practices in secret there, for fear of being arrested or harrassed by the authorities. Even the Mevlevis cannot have a genuine Semma (ceremony which features the Turn), though they are allowed to exhibit themselves as "whirling dervishes" for the tourists.

To not allow people to wear hijab is to me a violation of free speech, which is sadly missing in Turkey. Here in the little town where I work there are two Christian sects where the women wear what they call a prayer cap or a white headscarf-no one gives them a hard time. If the Turkish government didn't make such a big deal of it, they might find that it becomes "no big deal" too.

And I can't help but wonder what the government will do next to curb their irrational fear of Islam-force every woman and man to dress immodestly?
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Dunvegan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Feb-14-06 09:47 AM
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2. Hard to argue with common logic, PsychoDad... you say, telling a woman what to do regarding wearing hajab/scarf is still telling a woman what to do and how to live her life.

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