I have been using the Internet and taking part in discussion sites for over 10 years now. I have been a member of Slashdot since about 1997 and my total posts there now are still less than 350 posts, so I didn't think I would ever post 1000 times to any site. So I wanted to save my 1000th post on this site for writing about a few things I have been thinking about in terms of DU to this forum...
Being a Muslim on this discussion site can be a little rough. About a week back when Mike Huckabee started doing better in his campaign a lot of discussion on this site erupted dealing with religion and faith. It seems more atheists occupy the political left than the political right. I am not sure why this is because I think a practicing religious person would normally politically be to the left but I digress. When discussion erupts denouncing belief, it is very difficult to still justify to myself how I can take part on this site. So I contemplated just sending a good bye with my 1000th post and not taking part in the discussions anymore.
However, I took a few days to cool off and it helped. Also this discussion came along today:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=389&topic_id=2496087And many non-muslim DU'rs chimed in with rational discussion on facts of the religion of Islam that really impressed me, and made my day. (The discussion was on wearing of a veil for women and how this is largely a cultural practice and the Qur'an states men and women should simply dress modestly)
So seeing things like that really helps me be able to stick around here. Which I want to do because politically I am with majority of the people on this site and if I differ in terms of belief, I don't care, I just want those who differ to be respectful (which most are) for I will be respectful to their beliefs, whatever they are.