I am currently taking a course in Medieval Islamic history, and I thought others might find some of the books interesting. It is a fascinating topic, which sadly is not commonly studied in the west.
Most of these books can be readily found at a local library, and some are more than a bit pricey, so I've not included links to Amazon or the like. :-) They aren't in any particular order.
"Islamic and European Expansion" - Michael Adas, editor. Temple University Press, 1993. A collection of essays primarily dealing with the historical and modern interactions between the Abode of Islam and the European west.
"When Baghdad Ruled the Muslim World" - Hugh Kennedy Da Capo Press, 2005. A very well written book examining the era of the Abbasid empire, with some historical and post-Abbasid information as well.
"Arabs, Islam and the Arab Caliphate in the Early Middle Ages" - E.A. Belaev, translated by Adolphe Gourevitch. Frederick A. Praeger Inc., 1969 The title does an excellent job of describing the content. :-)
"India and the Mughal Dynasty" - Valerie Berinstain Harry N. Abrams Inc., 1998 Covers the Mughal Dynasty in India and surrounding areas.
"The History of Iran" - Elton Daniel Greenwood Press, 2001. Goes into some detail of the Safavid empire in modern Iran and surrounding areas.
"Medieval Persia: 1040-1797" - David Morgan Longman Publishing Group, 1998. Goes into great detail of the Safavid and later empires, as well as their interaction with the rest of the world.
"The Mughal Empire" - John Richards Cambridge University Press, 2005. This book is very hard to find, but well worth it. Richards covers nearly the entire history of the Mughal empire in India and the surrounding areas from beginning to end.
"The Ottoman Empire and Early Modern Europe" - Daniel Goffman Cambridge University Press, 2002. This book covers nearly the entirety of the Ottoman era, from its foundations to its end. Very well written, with great additional sources listed. Goffman also examines the impact of the invasion by the Crusaders in a depth rarely seen until recently.
I hope that those of you who are interested in Islamic political and global history find these resources helpful.