note: not "ex-New Orleanian"; I have lately come to realize that there is no such thing.
Thing is, my talents revolve around brains rather than brawn: I can't drive a truck to haul debris away (no license) or rewire a house (bzzzzzzzzt!) or anything like that. What I could do would be to re-envision the city (and to some extent, its environs) based on my two-plus years spent exploring much of it via RTA and on foot (remember, no license), and to adapt ideas from elsewhere (e.g., my original home town of Baltimore found a workable way to dispose of blighted city-owned property back in the '70s). I was even involved in some political campaigns in which we were far ahead of our time in our attempts to imagine N.O. as a 20th-century city, much less the first city of the 21st century.
Where would I go to pursue such a meta-career? I actually did spot a policy-research position, but this is getting less likely by the day, as the phone call was over two weeks ago. Some measure of my commitment to the cause may be gained from the fact that I would even consider such a move given that I am presently in Honolulu!