Katrina Fatigue or rather Scandal/Disaster Fatigue has had a nasty role in the efforts to rebuild. The devasation is of such a magnitude that folks just can't seem to comprehend it, let alone think of a way to truly help.
The volunteers that have been here and/or coming here since the storm have been wonderful. We would truly be lost but for their efforts and their concern.
To answer your questions:
Is that a FEMA trailer? If so, how long is it available to you? Do you have utilities (public water, sewer, electricity etc)?
Yes, that is a FEMA trailer. I believe they will let us have use of it for 18 months. We are 6 months after the storm, so I suppose I get it for another year. It's not so bad for me, I am single and have no children. I am just pretending that I am a rock & roller on extended tour living in my tour bus :D Think of the families that have to live in the little 30 x 8 foot tin cans. Most of those have set up tents outside of the trailers for extra rooms.
I had to pay for my temporary electric power pole and I have electricity and city, water and sewer, the same system that my house was connected to when it existed.
Is the earth where you are living deemed safe (not like NOLA)?
They won't tell us if our earth/soil is safe or unsafe. The sewage treatment plant is approximately 3 miles from my lot, so it won't surprise me if tests prove it is not. Also, there were several homes that had asbestos that had to be torn down. To do that, they used heavy equipment to crush the homes and to deal with the asbestos, they sprayed water on the debris. So now the asbestos is in the soil, to be released into the air through the natural process of evaporation and time. Katrina cough is a legitimate health concern that we deal with here, as is Katrina syndrome, PTSD.
I guess my point is, are there any obstacles to rebuilding your home today, other than financial?
The other obstacles to rebuilding are the availability of building supplies and contractors, not to mention the high costs of both.
I would like to start fund raising for the hurricane area, but you know American's desire for instant gratification, if they don't see results immediately, then your ripping them off or their interest wanes.
That is good of you to want to help obtain funds, there are several volunteer groups that could use the resources. The volunteers are here helping folks clean up and rebuild. They do it for nothing for the most needy folks. I'll try to post some links for you and/or you could touch base with intheflow, a DUer that is volunteering here and working with a great group.
I have read somewhere here that you have to sue the insurance co., but perhaps you could rebuild with help and still sue them, right?
I will be suing my insurance company and I have other things in the works, it will all work out for me. I am one of the lucky ones, I am pig headed and able to take care of myself. Thanks so for the offer to help.