...without having to spend a fortune to have all you topsoil hauled away and replaced. Several common plants pull the contaminates out of the soil, you just have to remember NOT to eat them (except for the Sunflower seeds, those are O.K. to eat).
Plants that take in Heavy Metals
Lead -- Sunflower, Indian Mustard, Peas, Asiatic dayflower
Arsenic -- Indian Mustard, Brake Fern, Lambsquatters
Chromim -- Indian Mustard, Spinach, Carrots
Selenium -- Indian Mustard
Cadmium -- Radish, Indian Mustard, Pea, Corn, Spinach, Carrot
Nickel -- Indian Mustard, Spinach, Carrot
Zinc -- Indian Mustard, Spinach, Carrot
Copper, Manganese, Iron -- Spinach, Carrot
Mushrooms and Fungi (Mycoremediation)
Mushrooms are decomposers, meaning that they break down dead things in the
environment. In the same way that mushrooms decompose they break down
petrochemicals and pesticides into non-toxic substances. Certain toxins are broken down
better by certain mushrooms. The Oyster mushroom is particularly useful for the toxins we
are trying to get out of the soils of New Orleans. By growing the mycelia (the underground
part of the mushroom) in a sterile environment we can produce many mushrooms and grow them
on a bed of woodchips. The enzymes that the mushrooms produce break down the toxins we are
Compost Tea
Compost Tea is a water-based brew made of millions of air loving microorganisms which can
be applied to soils, plants and flood sediment to boost the bacterial health of those
areas and begin to detoxify the soil. By adding naturally occurring bacteria into the soil
we can jump-start the natural process of breaking down toxins. Compost tea can be
especially effective in breaking down petrochemicals. It is also an important first step
in preparing toxic sites for growing plants that will take up some of the city’s most
abundant heavy metals.
Compost tea is easy! It's made from worm castings, compost using worms, dechlorinated
water, molasses and air. Compost tea kits can be found at Common Ground's Pauline Street
Distribution Center for checkout. A complete how-to booklet is included in the kit. Please
call Kathryn at 406-431-8337 for more information about our compost tea lending program or
for further details on how to set up a brewing station of your own....
(more at link) <