shows Coast still in need of Katrina help
62 percent scored low in mental health
Recovery of Mississippi Coast residents, especially the most economically and socially vulnerable in the wake of Katrina, lags significantly behind what might be expected from other types of disaster recoveries, suggests a National Center for Disaster Preparedness study.
"In the beginning, I was surprised with the findings but I think that was because when you're living in the middle of this disaster, you live in your own little survival bubble," said Jennifer Knight of Pass Christian, project manager of Mississippi Gulf Coast Children's Health Project.
Knight's staff helped gather information for the center at Columbia University, created after 9/11 to study and enhance the nation's ability to respond to disaster. The surveys were taken randomly from FEMA trailer parks and Katrina-devastated neighborhoods in August 2006.
"Overall, we were struck by how much the problems we had seen in Louisiana six months earlier are still very much an issue in Mississippi," he said. "We were imagining that things might be a little bit better because Mississippi seems to be recovering faster. But we were struck by the fact that Mississippians still felt displaced, uncertain of their future and that we found as much or more mental-health distress and disability."
Link has links to the full report and original data.
The last line of the article:
Only half of those living in FEMA trailer parks had access to a bank account, he said.:grr: :cry: