Posted on Tue, Dec. 06, 2005
Toxin levels higher than normal in 11 Coast areasBy MIKE KELLER
Independent soil and sediment samples taken at 11 locations around coastal Mississippi revealed elevated levels of heavy metals, dioxin and microorganisms, including arsenic levels more than two times the federal limit at DeLisle Elementary School, according to a report released by the Sierra Club on Monday.
The tests were completed by Wilma Subra, an environmental consultant from New Iberia, La., for several environmental groups, including Sierra Club and the Natural Resources Defense Council. Subra collected the samples on Sept. 30 and Oct. 2.
Residential neighborhoods in Pearl River, the Back Bay of Biloxi and Big Lake showed levels of arsenic 28 times higher than U.S. Environmental Protection Agency levels. Winding Way Drive, part of a DeLisle community, had chromium levels 1.7 times higher than EPA standards. Heavy metals such as arsenic and chromium are known to be poisonous to humans.
If we didn't have enough to worry about. :-(
Folks, don't let them neglect us - don't forget about us. This is so much more important than the "war on Christmas" crap. Help us, get your congress critters to support the reconstruction/recovery efforts.
This is about 3rd world conditions on our own soils. The money being spent on the illegal and immoral war and the resources expended should be used to help US citizens, not to satisfy corporate and political greed. This is about the DEQ covering up the contaminents and the pollution. This is about FEMA incompetence and the screw ups that this administration is so good at.
Damn the tax cuts - tax the wealthy and the corporations. Pull our troops out of Iraq and take care of our own.
(And if anyone posts that "red states got what they voted for" crap, so help me, I will become unhinged. NOBODY deserves to be subjected to this whether they be freeper, fundie, progressive or uncommitted.)
LBN Thread on this article - keep it kicked.