to discover I no longer have health insurance!!
I am stunned. I hadn't been sick or to a doctor in over 4 years. That ended after working at my new job for 3 months. Then I let myself become exhausted as I was working non-stop, trying to deal with all my personal issues and I was routinely IN TROUBLE about something at work. One day I started crying and couldn't stop. I went to my doctor and he prescribed Effexor and Ativan.
So here I am thinking I'll be getting my COBRA papers in the mail anyday. But NO, no COBRA no insurance. Little did I know, that employers with less than 20 employees are required to offer COBRA. Had my exit interview not been a sham it would have been mighty considerate of them to mention this little tidbit to me.
wtf is wrong with people. No matter what, I worked my butt off for them. You'd think they could find it in themselves to muster up some common courtesy. I'm sorry but wtf!!
Ok, end of vent. Now I'm off to build a strategy on how I want to let them know what sorry excuse for humans they are.