I don't know if you are familiar with it, but Craigslist is a left-leaning job resource. They have job postings for all the major U.S. cities. I checked your info, and noticed that you are from New York. Here is a link to the New York Craigslist:
http://newyork.craigslist.org/they have specific job areas for both 'Biotech/Science' and 'Education'. I would think you could fit into either of those categories?
Another idea I had for you, is to check out your city's small business office. There are lots of opportunities available through that. Also, I don't know what level you are seeking to teach, but have you applied to your state/city school board? I can't imagine that they would pass up someone with your qualifications. It may not be your dream job, but it would help in the short term. Also, every college/university in my city has a website, and has job postings through that. There are community colleges here too that post jobs. I imagine it would be the same where you live. Recently, I have been reading a lot about how there are companies that specifically tutor people to pass tests like the SAT, LSAT, GM??, stuff like that, and they hire teachers to teach the specific portions of the tests; you would seem to be suited to teach the scientific portion of that test-- here's a link to that company's employment section (and they have several locations around the New York area):
http://www.princetonreview.com/footer/jobsite/employment.aspI too, have been trying to find a job for a couple of years now. I've sent a jillion resumes out, but only gotten a couple of interviews. And then they decided on someone else. I was actually told by a recruiter one time that my abilities were quote, 'laughable'. That one really made my day! But I have to keep trying. I'll admit, there are days when I don't know what else to try, but eventually, something comes along that I will apply for, and I will hope again. I know what I want to do- go back to school, but that's not an option right now, as Mr. LD and I just don't have the money. We won't have it for many years either. I'll be well into my 60's before I can think about going back to school, and then when I would graduate, who would want to hire an old lady? So I have to keep looking for a job....
I must admit that I am concerned about you. When you say that 'I should probably kill myself', that makes me very concerned. I wouldn't be surprised if you are suffering from depression. Especially after what you have experienced. I've suffered with major depression in the past, and occasionally, I will find certain symptoms creeping back. Medication helps tremendously, as does therapy. Help is out there, and you are always free to PM me.