and call them and request a letter of recommendation. I know it sounds nuts, but they did hire you so they saw something that they truly liked about you. Believe it or not I have given letters to persons let go who were good persons but just did not fit the job they were in. If you can't get one from HR see if your immediate supervisor will give you on. I got fired from my last job (I gave notice, boss said your fired when I did), in any event I went over to my supervisor and requested a letter and he gave me one on the spot, then to CYA I also called the CFO and head of accounting after leaving the building and both of them faxed me great letters. When the issue arose I would tell the truth, I gave notice due to conflicts (their is more going on here that I would explain to the interviewer) and then I would hand them the letters from my immediate supervisors. Hence I would not lie in the interview, but I would have those letters and professional references in hand to give over to the interviewer when the issue arose.
Now on to the getting a new job soon, don't want to burst your bubble, the job situation sucks. I ended up taking a job with the Federal Government, at about $15,000. a year less, add in that it started as 3rd shift and it sucks. On the bright side I managed a transfer to 1st shift and I am now in the system of Federal Employees so I have hopes of getting a better job with in the government sometime in the next 2 years. Right now as I have managed to get off midnights I am going out to look for a part time clerk position so attempt to make up for the lost wages. fyi the wage loss is not as bad as it sounds as the benefits are better and $400.00 per month less, so I think with and extra 10 to 20 hours a week at around $9.00 per hour I will be ok. But still it sucks to go from $40 odd thousand per year to mid 20's.