Edited on Thu Apr-19-07 06:54 AM by SCRUBDASHRUB
As if things aren't stressful enough...
I've been collecting unemployment benefits since late January (some of you might know my story; it's posted in this forum, so I won't repeat it). Anyway, I've been applying for work, as required (at least 2 jobs, sometimes more, per week). To give you a little of my background, I have an undergraduate degree in English plus 14 years of experience in marketing, communications, PR and tech. writing/editing.
I had an interview at a place a couple of weeks ago for a job that was related to my field, but that didn't work out (I found this out, because I got a call last Saturday (yes, Saturday) morning from the place (they usually operate M-F, so I thought it was unusual). The lady said they hired someone else, but there is an opening in another dept. that she thinks I may be interested in (apparently, the person had unexpectedly quit the day before). The job is for an admin. asst. She said there may be some tech. writing involved, so I said to go ahead and email me the job description, and I thanked her for thinking of me.
I read the description, and while there is some tech. writing, I was a disappointed in that the core requirements were a high school diploma or GED (non-essential requirements are undergraduate degree and/or some tech. writing experience). I figured I'm probably overqualified, but I'll see what happens.
On Monday, she called me and said she wanted to see if I would be available to come in for an interview the next day. I said that would be fine. Hell, what do I have to lose, right?
So, I go in and meet with the people. It sounds OK, but it seems more admin. than writing. They ask me about salary, and I try to put it in their court ("What is the range?" No dice.). I tell them what I earned in my last two jobs. Their mouths flew open. It wasn't that crazy, I thought. After that, they asked for references and that was about it.
Anyway, yesterday, I get an offer. It's $12,500 less than what I was making at my last job. I ask if there is any room for negotiation or if maybe in six months, it can be revisited. Nope. She says there is a concern that maybe I might leave in a couple of months if I'm bored, so she wanted to be sure I know what I'm getting into if I take it. I'm supposed to let her know today.
Here's the deal: when I file for unemployment each week, I have to tell them if I refuse an offer of work. If I say yes, they'll ask why, of course, and can deny me any future benefits. I don't want to leave it off because I've listed the place in my past report (when I applied for the other job that was more "suitable," in terms of relation to my experience.